Are you worried that someone might find out you have visited this site? Please read the information below which is designed to help you ‘cover your tracks’ or hide evidence that you have visited our website.
Leaving the site quickly
Need to click away quickly? The ‘leave this page quickly’ button in the bottom right hand corner of every page will take you directly to the BBC website.
Alternatively, there is a shortcut on your keyboard which will close down your computer instantly:
Windows – ALT key and F4
Apple Macintosh – Apple Key and W
Make sure you choose a password that is not easy to guess. Always make sure you log out of your email before leaving the computer.
If an abuser sends you threatening or harassing e-mail messages, they may be printed and saved as evidence of this abuse.
Your Computers History and Cache
A cache is a file that automatically saves web pages and graphics. If an abuser knows how to read your computer’s history or cache file, they may be able to see information you have viewed recently on the internet. You can clear your history or empty your cache file in your browser’s settings. Below are details of how to get rid of these for each type of browser: