As a small charity, we rely on donations to be able to support survivors of sexual violence. We appreciate all donations, however large or small, to help with our work supporting women throughout Hertfordshire who have experienced sexual violence.
By cheque
If you would like to donate to us by cheque, please make your cheque payable to “Herts Area Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Centre” and post to: PO Box 256, Hatfield. AL10 0NE. Please email us for more information on other ways to donate, such as by standing order.
If you pay tax, your donation may be eligible for Gift Aid, which means we can claim an extra 25% from the government. Please download our Gift Aid Form and return it by email or post to: HARCSAC, PO Box 256, Hatfield. AL10 0NE.
Fundraising – Become a “Friend” of HARCSAC
In order for the service to continue to provide a high quality and consistent service to women seeking specialist help, it is essential that we maintain a steady stream of funding.
Level of Commitment
‘Friends of HARCSAC’ are under no obligation to commit to a specified length of service, however it is expected that once a project is in progress, ‘friends’ will support their peers and colleagues by seeing the project through to completion.
If you are interested in supporting us in any of these areas or have expertise in advertising please contact our office at or telephone 01707 276539 and leave your name and contact details for further information. These volunteer posts are subject to a DBS check.