Our Values

Male violence against women is one of the most serious inequalities facing women in the UK today. Nationally and internationally, this is recognised as a fundamental violation of human rights, a cause and consequence of gender inequality and of broader social, economic, political and cultural discrimination experienced by women that violates the principles of equal rights and respect for human dignity.

HARCSAC recognises the imbalance of power relations between men and women within society and understands that gender-based violence in all its forms is an abuse of power that underpins, enables and perpetuates gender inequality.

HARCSAC is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse environment that values and respects the rights and dignity of every individual.  We believe in equality and stand firmly against all forms of racism, discrimination, and prejudice.  We will continue to work to fulfil our commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within our women-only service.

We acknowledge the historical and systemic issues that contribute to racism, and we are dedicated to dismantling these barriers.

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