Accessing Our Service

Ways to contact us

By Telephone

The quickest and most direct way to contact us is via our helpline which is open between 7.30pm and 9.30pm on a Thursday evening. If you call outside of these hours you will reach a 24 hour answer machine which is monitored several times a day. You can leave your details if you wish to be called back and we will return your call as soon as we can.  Please only leave a number if it is safe to do so.  If we call you back and somebody else answers we will not tell them who we are. For reasons of confidentiality our telephone number is withheld and if we do not speak to you when we return the call we will leave the name, Sally Barker.


If you would prefer you can email us at: and our on-call volunteer counsellor will reply yo you as soon as possible.


You can write to us at: HARCSAC, PO Box 256, Hatfield, Herts. AL10 0NE

What will happen if you contact us?

Our main aim is to help you to access the support that you need. We understand that every woman’s needs are different and so we will want to speak to you in person at some point.

If you call us we will speak to you about what you are hoping to achieve through counselling and whether we jointly think that we are the right service for you or whether we can signpost you to a more appropriate service. You will not be asked to discuss anything sensitive that you are not comfortable talking about.

If we both decide that we are the right service, we will place you on the waiting list.

The waiting list

The time you might wait to see our volunteer counsellor will vary according to your and our availability. It is always difficult for us to tell you exactly how long you will have to wait because we initially aim to work with a client for 20 sessions but this may vary according to the needs of the client.

We operate a strictly ‘first come, first served’ system and promise to see you as soon as we can. If you would like any information on where you are on the waiting list and our estimated waiting times you can call the helpline on 01707 276512.

If we have your prior permission, we will call you from time to time to establish whether you wish to remain on the waiting list.


We are constantly seeking funding and appreciate donations of any size.


Volunteers are at the heart of what we do. We need volunteer counsellors, fundraisers, people with marketing skills as well as people who just want to help.


We always appreciate feedback, please contact us via: or call 01707 276539 if there is anything you would like us to know.

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