Face to Face Support

We offer a safe, women only space, for you to express your feelings, discuss your needs and explore your options.  Whilst we cannot ‘make it all better’ we will listen and believe and never judge you.  We believe that you know yourself better than anyone and therefore are best placed to identify your own needs and find your own answers.  We will support you to become empowered to find your own way, in your own time.  We hope you will find this helpful as you address the thoughts and feelings that affect your life and/or relationships.

In our experience, the first step on a journey to recovery is seeking help. It is our policy therefore that any woman wishing to access our service must self-refer.  First contact can be made either by email or telephone via our helpline.

Our service is delivered by volunteer counsellors who have successfully completed specialist training in working with female survivors of rape and sexual abuse and continue to update their knowledge and skills through ongoing training and development.

Face to face sessions at our centre in Hatfield are wheelchair accessible.

Confidential Helpline – 01707 276512
Thursday: 7.30pm- 9.30pm. Calls are answered in person by a counsellor.
At all other times you can leave a message which will be returned with discretion and your confidentiality will be protected.
Contact Us Via Email
All emails received will be reviewed regularly and responded to as quickly as possible. Email: helpline@hertsrapecrisis.org.uk


We are constantly seeking funding and appreciate donations of any size.


Volunteers are at the heart of what we do. We need volunteer counsellors, fundraisers, people with marketing skills as well as people who just want to help.


We always appreciate feedback, please contact us via: admin@hertsrapecrisis.org.uk or call 01707 276539 if there is anything you would like us to know.

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